
William Wahby

  • Ph.D Alumni



Research Interests


All Publications

  1. Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, W. Wahby, and M. S. Bakir, "Design considerations for 2.5-D and 3-D integration accounting for thermal constraints," in Proc. IEEE Int. 3D Systems Integration Conf. (3DIC), San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2016.

  2.  W. Wahby, T. E. Sarvey, H. Sharma, H. Esmaeilzadeh, and M. S. Bakir, "The impact of 3D stacking on GPU-accelerated deep neural networks an experimental study," in Proc. IEEE Int. 3D Systems Integration Conf. (3DIC), San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2016.

  3. W. Wahby and M. S. Bakir, "Impact of Alternate Metals on Routing in Scaled Monolithic 3DICs," in Proc. SRC Techcon, Austin, TX, Sep. 2016.

  4. W. Wahby, L. Zheng, Y. Zhang, M. S. Bakir, "A simulation tool for rapid investigation of trends in 3DIC performance and power consumption," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 192-199, Feb. 2016.

  5. W. Wahby, L. Zheng, Y. Zhang, and M. Bakir, "A virtual integration platform for 3DIC design space exploration," in Proc. SRC Techcon, Austin, TX, Sep. 2014.

  6. W. Wahby, A. Dembla, and M. Bakir, "Evaluation of 3DICs and fabrication of monolithic interlayer vias," in Proc. IEEE Int. 3D Systems Integration Conf. (3DIC), San Francisco, CA, Oct. 2013.