
Ashish Dembla

  • Ph.D Alumni



Research Interests


All Publications

  1. J. M. Gu, P. Thadesar, A. Dembla, M. S. Bakir, G. S. May, and S. J. Hong "Endpoint detection in low open area TSV fabrication using optical emission spectroscopy," IEEE Transaction on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 1251-1260, July 2014.

  2. Y. Zhang, A. Dembla, and M. S. Bakir, "Silicon micropin-fin heat sink with integrated TSVs for 3-D ICs: trade-off analysis and experimental testing," IEEE Transaction on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 1842-1850, Nov. 2013.

  3. W. Wahby, A. Dembla, and M. Bakir, "Evaluation of 3DICs and fabrication of monolithic interlayer vias," in Proc. IEEE Int. 3D Systems Integration Conf. (3DIC), San Francisco, CA, Oct. 2013.

  4. H. Oh, A. Dembla, Y. Zhang, and M. Bakir "High aspect ratio TSVs in micro-pinfin heat sinks for 3D ICs," in Proc. SRC TECHCON, Austin, TX, Sep. 2013.

  5. J. M. Gu, P. Thadesar, A. Dembla, S. J. Hong, M. S. Bakir, and G. May, "Endpoint detection using optical emission spectroscopy in TSV fabrication," in Proc. IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conf. (IITC), Kyoto, Japan, June 2013.

  6. P. Thadesar, A. Dembla, D. Brown, and M. S. Bakir, "Novel through-silicon via technologies for 3D system integration," in Proc. IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conf. (IITC), Kyoto, Japan, June 2013.

  7. P. Thadesar, J. M. Gu, A. Dembla, S. J. Hong, G. S. May and M. S. Bakir, "Novel photodefined polymer-clad through-silicon via technology integrated with end point detection using optical emission spectroscopy," in Proc. 24th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conf. (ASMC), Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2013.

  8. A. Dembla, Y. Zhang, and M. Bakir, "Fine pitch TSV integration in silicon micropin-fin heat sinks for 3D ICs," in Proc. SRC TECHCON, Austin, TX, Sep. 2012.

  9. A. Dembla, Y. Zhang, and M. Bakir, "High aspect ratio TSVs in micropin-fin heat sinks for 3D ICs," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Nanotechnology, Birmingham, England, Aug. 2012.

  10. A. Dembla, Y. Zhang, and M. Bakir, "Fine pitch TSV integration in silicon micropin-fin heat sinks for 3D ICs," in Proc. IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conf. (IITC), San Jose, CA, June 2012.

  11. Y. Zhang, A. Dembla, Y. Joshi, and M. Bakir, "3D stacked microfluidic cooling for high-performance 3D ICs" in Proc. 62nd IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conf. (ECTC), San Diego, CA, 2012.

  12. A. Dembla, D. Brown, and M. Bakir, "Nanofabrication of ultra high density nanoscale TSVs," in SRC Techcon, Austin, TX, Sep. 2011.

  13. A. Dembla, D. Brown, and M. Bakir, "Nanofabrication of high aspect ratio nanoscale TSVs," in Proc. Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Las Vegas, NV, May. 2011.