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X. Liu, P. Thadesar, C. Taylor, M. Kunz, N. Tamura, M. Bakir, and S. Sitaraman, "Experimental stress characterization and numerical simulation for copper pumping analysis of through silicon vias (Invited)," IEEE Transaction on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 993-999, July 2016
. M. Zia, C. Zhang, P. Thadesar, T. Hookway, T. Chi, J. Gonzalez, T. McDevitt, H. Wang, and M. S. Bakir, "Fabrication of and cell growth on silicon membranes with high density TSVs for bio-sensing applications," in Proc. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Atlanta, GA, Oct. 2015.
P. Thadesar, J. M. Gu, A. Dembla, S. J. Hong, G. S. May and M. S. Bakir, "Novel photodefined polymer-clad through-silicon via technology integrated with end point detection using optical emission spectroscopy," in Proc. 24th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conf. (ASMC), Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2013.